Edward Snowden is in bad sheets. His life is a shit now. He knows many things abont many people. Nobody wants to give him shelter. He may be welcome a moment, but depending on the dice he plays, he may pose a strong threat on his shelter provider.
No one wants to risk a chance of having him telling everywhere all the secrets he's learned when he was collecting secret information for the American government agencies like CIA, NSA, and FBI. He opened up his mouth and told some stories he wasn't supposed to tell anybody.
Now he's lost and adrift. Russia refused a place for him. Brazil may not give such a chance either. What this young guy may know about the political situation in Brazil and all its politicians may be frightening. For this reason, it's too risky to give asylum.
China has launched a probe which went the moon. Chinese goverment could benefit from this lad's knowledge. But, considering he's not a Chinese face, it's also very risky and troublesome. Maybe a good thing to do would be sending him to the moon next flight. There may be a crazy woman who also wants to be mating him, and thus starting the crowding of the Earth's satellite.
Other two (un)safe places could be Venezuela and North Korea. These two nations have strong reasons to accept this guy and provide him a shelter.
I think you should consider thinking about these alternatives.
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