Folks, speaking seriously! There are some
things that I haven't had being able to to understand. Well, according to René
Descartes, in the "Discourse on the Method", ‘one of the things more widely
well distributed on the Earth is the common sense'. Many people find they are
better than the other ones, but that is not always true. Others don't seem to
be so wise, although the way they approach some subject, they are noticed as quite
balanced. Maybe due to Descartes, I am not that stupid. I believe I have a good
sense in my reflexive enterprise.
I’ve been feeling my head full of boiling questions.
Before, I will make some considerations and later I expose my interrogations.
Considering that:
1 - the city of Rio
Branco has been crowded with of radars to sweep out the money of the drivers’
pockets with fines attributed to their vehicles; sometimes, the same car is
fined in the same point, twice, with an aggravating sign of a joke typically "Portuguese",
in the two sides of the road, going and coming;
2 - each radar is
linked directly to a data processing headquarters and the transmission of the
information is made in real time by a telephony operator;
3 - the data transmitted
by each installed equipment seem not to have any protection cryptography and
they can be invaded and have their data captured by any expert of information technology;
4 - nowadays, the
city of Rio Branco is receiving an enormous amount of surveillance cameras,
which are being planted in strategic spots along public streets and avenues and
they also transmit in real time the citizens' and automobiles movements,
without a single restriction;
5 - urban citizens from
Rio Branco-Acre, and also their visitors, they are coerced to participate in a
surveillance program, in which neither a request, nor a popular consultation, was
carried out to know if they want and/or if they approve such an invasion of
6 - those expenses
with that surveillance system were not shown transparently and it is not known the
actual burden to the taxpayer's pocket;
7 - the risk to see
those equipments being damaged again and released to uselessness due to the
lack maintenance as it is noticed with some old ones; we can find some, close
to the Rio Branco Palace, to the Rio Branco Stadium, to UFAC downtown, and in
other places that I don't know clearly to inform; they are already broken and
therefore useless;
8 - there is no
transparency for those actions and facts.
I ask:
1 - which are the true
objectives of these procedures of invasion of privacy with those radars and
those cameras?
2 - how much was the
cost to implant those radars and invasion cameras?
3 - how much is
collected with those radars and where is the money going to?
4 - who controls
and to what extent does he/she exert control over this system that operates
that amount of data?
5 - how many
Brazilian cities would be or are using similar resources without having the actual
notion of this invasion of privacy and who else would be accessing those data?
6 – have these data
been watched and spied by the American spying agencies, such as: CIA, FBI, and
NSA? Do they serve to ABIN and FP as well?
7 - do the
constituted authorities have cognitive capacity to know who accesses that
content, and if they know, how do they use these records?
8 - which is the
degree of exhibition of the citizens' life in those centers of invasion of
9 - who are the
authorities that take care of these dynamic invasion centers? Are they parts of
militias? Do they suffer any lawsuit? Would they be suitable and correct enough
to act in an ethical and humanized way?
10 - would Mr.
Obama and Mrs. Dilma have some personal interest in that kind of thing? To what
11 – are we really meant
to be seen as terrorists' embryos for the Americans or brainless beasts for a nation
with little reliable national authorities?
I believe there should
be more correct, transparent, and honest authorities. But, the "last
instance" doesn't serve anymore for reference. who else must we appeal to?
And how?
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