domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013


The fight for light

        Photosynthesis is a process by which a plant transforms the Sun light into food. Humans also need the light to be fed with.
        President Bush said once Americans are addicted to oil, mainly to Middle-east oil. Americans are also addicted to Latin America’s cocaine, and its weakness to face the big eagle. Most of them are addicted to cameras lenses. They want, wish, and beg to be seen in photo. No matter what they have to do or whomever must be put down. They want and they just do it.
        Bashar Al-Assad is atyrant and nobody has a different idea. His army used lethal gas against Syria’s civilian population. He killed many innocent people by using  mortal gas onto the population. It’s a crime and he must be punished to have caused so much pain and injury.
        Syria’s probably unable to produce the gas in such amount to use and kill the innocent civilians. It has bought from another country. The nation which has sold the mortal gas to be used against the crown thinks only about making its safe full of money. The weapons may have been bought from Russia; or from another country.
        Both – or more – countries are guilty for such actions and obnoxious attitudes. It is not humane and must be criticized and banned from the world.
        They seem to have done that secretly and having not a single spying agent to notice or listen to any talk of these commercial transactions.
        Edward Snowden appears to be protected in Russia now. After denouncing the American government of being snooping and spying world leaders conversations, he has brought to light the agents’ interest of be listening only to common talk or nonsense conversations carried out by some people. Probably they have listened to conversations between Brazilian president and any other rulers or common people. The trading talking to sell and buy the gas the Syrian government has been using against its population, it’s unlikely to have been done.
        Three agencies: CIA, FBI, and NSA. These are the secret service offices for America to follow up and spy almost “all” people in the world. When a country has many people doing these kinds of services, it’s pretty difficult to have a harmonic activity. Each one wants, wishes, and fights to be the first to receive the lights of the cameras. As one is not going to give the other the information to be the first in the picture, so you’d better be snooping and playing with somebody’s conversation.
        Every agency wishes to have access and control everybody’s next steps. Unhappily that hasn’t happened that way.
        It seems to me that America’s friend had sold weapons to Iraq just a month before the first American attack. Guess who’s done that? France. When the missiles were used, the American soldiers found out the origin and production lot which identified France as the country to have sent those weapons to Iraq. American agents failed to notice the lethal weapons sold to Saddam Hussein.
        Now, American agents flunk once more because they did not spy correctly and they don’t know which country sold what to Syria’s government. They just accuse the Syrian government of having been using orange gas against the people. American agents are no good.
        Russian president is sending part of his fleet to the Mediterranean sea. Is he afraid of any discovery? Is he wishing to help the American raid or Syrian government? Well, if there was no such a fight for the lights of the cameras, probably American agents were able to know which country sold what, when, and for how much for Mr Assad. Once again they flunked and there is no excuse.
        As the American fleet is in attacking position, and the Russian vessels are also approaching, Mr Obama is waving a chance for a diplomatic solution. Mr Putin is likely to know more than all American agents were meant to find out.
        Now, a peaceful solution is near. Anyway, all opponents still show their weapons to one another. Assad’s best exit is becoming a refugee in another country willing to help him and use his money and several economic assets.
        Once peace is restored in Syria, its population may come back and try to start their way of living again.
        The lesson everybody has to learn from conflicts like these is that it is not necessary to be the first to appear in the photo which is going to stop the atrocities and tyrant attitudes, and that selling a lethal weapon to kill another human is as immoral as using against innocent civilians.
        None should feel free or happy to kill another just for joy.

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